How to protect your toddlers?
Stop Kids from Climbing/Dragging chairs
Use Jackaroo HOOKS to lock down your kitchen chairs to your kitchen table or any surface. This prevents the kids from pulling the chairs out and using them like ladders.
Stabilize Kitchen Chairs
Each year thousands of children go to the ER after tipping over chairs.
Attaching Jackaroo Legs (Classic or Flex) to your kitchen chairs to prevent kids from tipping them over and injury.

Classic Jackaroo Legs™
Stabilize your kitchen chair legs and help prevent them from tipping over and causing injuries.
These are designed for straight chair legs (as pictured) or slightly slanted (using the adjustment kit).

Jackaroo HOOKS
Lock down your chairs and stop your kids from dragging them around the kitchen and climbing on the table.

Jackaroo Legs™ Flex
Designed for chari legs with an angle. Flex legs adjust to the angle of your chair. These are perfect for slanted chair legs.